Wednesday, November 25, 2009

New Gadget for the Holidays

Thinking about what are the new hi-tech gifts for this season? IPOD nano, MAC laptop, PS3? How about the Kindle DX? The Kindle DX is a wireless reading device that holds up to 3,500 books, periodicals, and documents, it should be a book lovers dream. For a little less than $500.00, you get the benefits of downloading books anytime anywhere, no monthly fees, no annual contracts, and no hunting for Wi-Fi hotspots. It also has a 9.7 in. e-link screen that reads like real paper and many more cool features. If the Kindle DX is too spendy, the Kindle is a little smaller, holds fewer documents and is priced at $259.00.

With the new technology of on-line books, are paper books going to be obsolete? Our society is continually moving forward, especially in the fields of technology. Although the Kindle is new and attractive to the reader who does not have space to have their own library, I don't see it becoming a huge hit, for at least for right now its not. Books are still being published and those "old fashioned" readers still love having the feeling of holding a book and turning the pages. With the Kindle, this feeling is taken away. I also think the price is a little steep for the product.If the price was lower, I could see more of these being bought as gifts for the holidays. There are cheaper versions of this product, (i.e. Sony Digital Reader, Barnes & Nobel Nook ebook reader) but they may not have as many features as the Kindle. One thing is the same for all the ebooks, technology will get better and faster and new products will be made. New products that will be better than what is developed now. Technology is good cause it is always changing, but it is bad too. It is bad for those who spent $500.00 on the Kindle and then find out there is a better faster version created a few months after. So when you are shopping for your holiday gift this year, think about what gadgets are really worth the price.

1 comment:

  1. I saw somebody reading a digital book on the plane and i didn't really know what that was?I do not read book too often, but when I do I like it to be real not digital.
