Sunday, November 29, 2009

Bing vs. Google

Google has been the standard search engine for many Internet users in the past. But with technology changing, they may have now met its match.

Bing is a new search engine created by Microsoft and is marketing itself as a website that is not only a search engine, but the first ever decision engine. What is interesting is that Bing advertises their site with other media besides the Internet. Bing has it's own commercial campaign. Bing's campaign is to help users avoid "search overload". Also on the site Bing states, " With 200 million Web sites (and counting) you need a search engine that can help you make sense of a world of information. Meet Bing".

So with the new site, those interested may ask; what is so great about Bing? While Google offers about the same features and services, Bing is targeting the users who need information fast, without having to search through a bunch of nonsense. And in this technologically addicted society, that is about everyone now days.

I can see Bing becoming the new hot search engine, especially for those new tech savvy users. Bing will have to try hard to get those hard core Google users to switch. But with Bing using different media to reach users, it may make the switch easier.

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